Youth homelessness Open door approach Open door approach OPEN DOOR APPROACH Youth Link services operate under ‘No Wrong Door’ principles to offer homeless and vulnerable young people an ‘open door’ and has operated under a ‘no wrong door’ approach since its conception in 1990. Programs operate at the interface between those at risk or vulnerable young people (12-24yrs) who are marginalised within our society and mainstream services. The programs and services at Youth Link, including ‘drop in’, are directed towards reducing homelessness and improving the health and wellbeing for 12 to 24-year-old youths who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our practice is based on a philosophy which recognises that the impact of oppression often hinders young people from achieving their full potential. We recognise that any young person may be deemed ‘at risk’ at some time in their life and prioritise our resources accordingly. As a non-government not for profit organisation and a Community Housing provider, Youth Link has established itself as a Youth HUB, a ‘one stop shop’ for multiple youth support programs and provisions of Emergency Relief. Community Services from as far afield as Port Moresby and the Northern Territory have visited Youth Link in Cairns as part of their research into “best practice” service delivery mechanisms for young people. All Youth Link programs are guided by a harm reduction methodology and are directed towards creating improved quality of life, health and accommodation outcomes for 12 to 24-year-olds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.