Mobile Support services are provided for young people aged between 16 - 25 years and delivered in accordance with the Homelessness Program Guidelines Specifications and Requirements 

Housing Mobile Service  - funded by Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy

Mobile Support Services provide case management support to people living in one or more of the following locations:

  • 'In their own home' which includes private rental, social housing, boarding houses or in share houses.
  • 'In temporary living situations' including any temporary accommodation setting for example motels or living with family/friends.
  • 'Community setting' which includes places where services meet with people they support, for example local library, coffee shop, recreation centre, neighbourhood centre.
  • 'Public space' where people are sleeping rough, including parks, streets and improvised dwellings and support to this group takes a housing first approach

Mobile support is also provided to people in another provider's centre based location.

Homelessness Brokerage Funds are available to clients to access and maintain accommodation.


  • To transition a client from homelessness to being housed
  • To apply early intervention approaches to prevent young people from losing at risk tenancies 
  • To support young people to sustain and maintain a tenancy and prevent the tenancy from becoming at risk