Under the Transitional Accommodation Program, young people may be accommodated for up to twelve months as they become ready to move into independent accommodation.  A significant number of these tenancies will average six months.

Transitional Accommodation

The Transitional Accommodation Program offers support to young people aged 16 years to 20 years to transition to more permanent accommodation.   Support is provided using a case management approach. 

This support focuses on assisting young people to prepare for independence through:

  • Pre-tenancy training modules
  • Education about their rights and responsibilities
  • Education about the Residential Tenancy Act
  • Education around capacity to achieve financial security
  • Support in capacity to achieve financial security
  • Support in obtaining and or maintaining independent accommodation
  • Clients are also assisted with referrals and advocacy with other services

Young people who demonstrate their capacity to maximize their tenancy placement are encouraged to achieve leasing on the private market or to establish property leasing within the community housing/social housing programs as an exit point to their supported tenancy.

If the young person has not demonstrated their capacity to transition to independent accommodation, they may be offered a further supported tenancy in Youth Link or tenancy under the Housing and Information Program


Crisis Assistance Programs CAP funding provides an opportunity for young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness to establish short to medium-term housing placements living in a crisis assistance property leased by Youth Link.  Rent is determined on a case-by-case instance referencing the Community Housing Rent Calculator.

Under the Queensland Homelessness Person Guidelines, no young person is to be evicted into homelessness due to their inability to pay rent; rather, all SHS support and planning target the young person’s right to establish income and establish accommodation placements.

Youth Links Transitional Accommodation Program, Head lease Grant Program and Same House Different Landlord tenancies provide stable and affordable accommodation and case management for young people in need of support with the challenges of living independently.

The major benefit of these programs is that tenancies move beyond a supported placement; young people leave with the knowledge of their tenancy rights and responsibilities and may receive a positive rental reference.

